2011 breeding plans and outcomes
Butter X Popcorn
(Butter het stripe X Same)
Expected offspring: Butters and Butter Stripe
Popcorn laid 12 eggs on 03-12-2011
Eggs started hatching on 05-22-2011
Results: 5 Butters and 7 Butter Stripes
Butter X Milksnake
(Butter het stripe X Amel het diffused ph anery
Expected offspring: Amels het caramel ph diffused stripe
Milksnake laid 10 eggs on 03-22-201
Eggs started hatching on 05-30-2011
Results: 6 Amels 4 Snows
Because of the snows we now know both parents are het Anery!
(Butter het stripe X Same)
Expected offspring: Butters and Butter Stripe
Popcorn laid 12 eggs on 03-12-2011
Eggs started hatching on 05-22-2011
Results: 5 Butters and 7 Butter Stripes
Butter X Milksnake
(Butter het stripe X Amel het diffused ph anery
Expected offspring: Amels het caramel ph diffused stripe
Milksnake laid 10 eggs on 03-22-201
Eggs started hatching on 05-30-2011
Results: 6 Amels 4 Snows
Because of the snows we now know both parents are het Anery!